approximation of what the final image will look like 意味

  • 《an ~》最終{さいしゅう}イメージの大まかな感じ


        happy with what one look like:    《be ~》自分{じぶん}の見た目に満足{まんぞく}している
        image approximation:    画像近似{がぞう きんじ}
        get people to know what you look like:    顔を売る
        know what real deaths look like:    本物{ほんもの}の死がどう見えるかを知っている
        look what like something the cat brought in:     look what like something the cat brought in ((略式))〈人が〉ひどくむさくるしい,変な身なりをしている. (±lòok what ?mlìke sòmething?n the cát bròught ?mdrágged?n ín
        get the real view of what people dying look like:    人間{にんげん}が死んで行く場面{ばめん}がどんなふうかという真実{しんじつ}の場面{ばめん}を見る
        see what one's document will look like when one prints it:    印刷後{いんさつ ご}の文書{ぶんしょ}の様子{ようす}を見る
        like the look of:    ~の外観{がいかん}[見た目]が気に入る
        look like:    look like がましい
        to look like:    to look like そうだ 染みる じみる
        like what:     Lìke whát? ((略式))(相手の言葉を受けて)例えば(どんな)? 《◆For example? よりくだけた言い方》.
        what is s like:     Whát is S lìke? 1 〈人?物?事は〉どのようなものか,どういう様子か《◆おおよその概念?性格?外観などを尋ねる》 What's your new school ~? 新しい学校はどんなですか(=How is your new school?)《◆xHow is your new school like? は不可》/ What is it ~ in town?町はどんな
        what like:    {形} :
        what-like:    {形} : どのような
        look what the cat's dragged in:    ひどくむさくるしい、変な身なりをしている


  1. "approximation of a to b" 意味
  2. "approximation of expenditure" 意味
  3. "approximation of functions" 意味
  4. "approximation of laws" 意味
  5. "approximation of the ears" 意味
  6. "approximation solution" 意味
  7. "approximation suture" 意味
  8. "approximation to basic rack tooth profile by composite system" 意味
  9. "approximative" 意味
  10. "approximation of laws" 意味
  11. "approximation of the ears" 意味
  12. "approximation solution" 意味
  13. "approximation suture" 意味

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